Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another Order?

So I placed another order, well I didn't actually order them, see when I placed the first order it declined my payment method so I closed the tab and looked for another website and ordered  what I mentioned in my last post. So then I accidentally closed the window I was working on and when I reopened it, it opened the old website and some how the website accepted the payment and shipped the items today. So somethings are going to be sold like the extra genesis paints, but I am going to keep the kit. This is Nico by Gudrun Legler..

He is so sweet. All of Gudrun Legler's dolls are stunning and I can assure you this isn't the last kit I'm going to buy by her. 

His hands are stunning so are his feet. Real effect dolls are the best, no really, the realism is to the top and they are so versatile. I've seen all the kits in a lot of races and they all look gorgeous. They should pat themselves on the back for their work.

I ordered a full leg body for Nico as I thought his legs aren't that short and I love dressing my babies in a onesie to show off their fat rolls, it's the same body I'm going to use for Noah. This is the body..

There was also a DVD in the order as well, this one on the other hand is the Precious Little Baby Dust tutorial. This is the DVD I was originally going to order as I love Rachel and Cassie so much and I love their work. This is how the cover looks like..

So excited to get the shipment and start working on them. Did I mention this is my first time officially reborning? Well it is, I hope I don't get discouraged along the way and get it right.


  1. Hello there :) I came across your blog while browsing for info/reviews on the PLBD DVD. Can I ask you if the DVD gives info on colour neutralizing of the reborn baby? I've been thinking of buying the DVD myself- but haven't gotten around to do so yet.
    Keep up the lovely work with your Reborns! :)

  2. hi :) thanks for stopping by, yes it does talk about neutralising the vinyl, they actually show you on the colour wheel what colours you need to use to achieve the a natural base colour... hope that helps
